open-source [oh-puhn-sawrs, -sohrs]: pertaining to or denoting a product or system whose origins, formula, design, etc. are freely accessible to the public.

This is a guide for designing your own boards using . Browse these shapes to find what you like, then enter the specs into SK8CAD. Tweak anything you'd like to match your desires.

Scroll to the bottom of the page for the parameter reference drawing to see what the specific parameters do.

This guide will get updated, so check back for updates. Share your own designs on the forums:

A quick note on mold notation: XX-XX-XX-XX = intended wheelbase (with 1" kick gaps) - concave radius - kick angle - kick radius

14-20-20-05: Mold designed for a 14" wheelbase (with 1" kick gaps), has a 20" concave radius, 20* kicktail and kicknose, and 5" kick radius.

An "A" means the mold is asymmetric:
"XX-XX-10A20-XX" would mean a board has a 10* kicknose and 20* kicktail.

An "F" indicates wheel flares:
"XX-24F19-XX-XX" means a board has a 24" concave radius with a minimum radius of 19" at the flares.

An "X" is provided on single kick wheelbases, as the "intended" wheelbase can be flexible.

When choosing a wheelbase, it's best to stay within an inch of the designed wheelbase (if the designed wheelbase is 14", don't make it larger than 15" or smaller than 13").

Width: 8.25"
Wheelbase: 14.25"
Nose Length: 7"
Tail Length: 6.75"
Nose Taper Point: 7"
Tail Taper Point: 9"
Nose Shape: 75
Tail Shape: 78
Shift Profile: 0
Concave/kick styles:
Medium: Mold #8 (14-20-20-05)
Mellow: Mold #6 (14-33-18-10)
Steep: Mold #17 (14-17-22-06)
Tags: popsicle

Standard (Option 2):
Width: 8.25"
Wheelbase: 14.25"
Nose Length: 7"
Tail Length: 6.75"
Nose Taper Point: 7"
Tail Taper Point: 9"
Shift Profile: 0"
Nose Cutout Depth: 15"
Nose Cutout Width: 2.25"
Nose Width: 2.5"
Tail Cutout Depth: 14.75"
Tail Cutout Width: 2.75"
Tail Width: 2.25"
Concave/kick styles:
Medium: Mold #8 (14-20-20-05)
Mellow: Mold #6 (14-33-18-10)
Steep: Mold #17 (14-17-22-06)
Tags: popsicle

Width: 7.5"
Wheelbase: 13.25"
Nose Length: 6.375"
Tail Length: 6.125"
Nose Taper Point: 6.75"
Tail Taper Point: 6.75"
Nose Shape: 73
Tail Shape: 70
Shift Profile: 0
Mold #8 (14-20-20-05)
Tags: popsicle, small

Width: 9.75"
Wheelbase: 17.5"
Nose Length: 4"
Tail Length: 6.25"
Nose Taper Point: 12"
Tail Taper Point: 15.5"
Nose Cutout Depth: 10.75"
Nose Cutout Width: 4"
Nose Width: 3.5"
Tail Cutout Depth: 13"
Tail Cutout Width: 3.25"
Tail Width: 5.25"
Mold #22 (18-31-05A10-06)
Tags: cruiser

Width: 8.5"
Wheelbase: 14.5"
Nose Length: 7"
Tail Length: 6.75"
Nose Taper Point: 8"
Tail Taper Point: 12"
Nose Cutout Depth: 14.5"
Nose Cutout Width: 2.25"
Nose Width: 3.5"
Tail Cutout Depth: 14.75"
Tail Cutout Width: 3.5"
Tail Width: 2"
Mold #17 (14-17-22-06)
Tags: shaped

Width: 9.5"
Wheelbase: 15"
Nose Length: 7.125"
Tail Length: 6.875"
Nose Taper Point: 12"
Tail Taper Point: 15"
Nose Shape: 74
Tail Shape: 77
Shift Profile: 0
Mold #20: (15-24-23A21-07A06)
Tags: shaped

Width: 10.5"
Wheelbase: 16"
Nose Length: 3"
Tail Length: 6.635"
Nose Taper Point: 10"
Tail Taper Point: 15"
Nose Shape: 65
Tail Shape: 90
Shift Profile: 0
Mold #12: (16-25-20-09)
Tags: shaped

Width: 9.25"
Wheelbase: 30"
Nose Length: 5.75"
Tail Length: 5.75"
Nose Taper Point: 15"
Tail Taper Point: 15"
Nose Cutout Depth: 14"
Nose Cutout Width: 1"
Nose Width: 6"
Tail Cutout Depth: 14"
Tail Cutout Width: 1"
Tail Width: 6"
Mold #24 (31-54-12-05)
Tags: big, dance

Mini Cruiser:
Width: 6.5"
Wheelbase: 12"
Nose Length: 3.75"
Tail Length: 5.5"
Nose Taper Point: 10"
Tail Taper Point: 13.5"
Shift Profile: -1"
Nose Cutout Depth: 8"
Nose Cutout Width: 2.25"
Nose Width: 2.5"
Tail Cutout Depth: 11.25"
Tail Cutout Width: 1.75"
Tail Width: 3.25"
Mold #17 (14-17-22-06)
Tags: small, cruiser

Single-kick Freestyle "Tango":
Width: 7.6"
Wheelbase: 13.25"
Nose Length: 5.5"
Tail Length: 6"
Nose Taper Point: 6.75"
Tail Taper Point: 8"
Shift Profile: -0.5"
Nose Cutout Depth: 11.5"
Nose Cutout Width: 2.75"
Nose Width: 3.25"
Tail Cutout Depth: 12.75"
Tail Cutout Width: 2.75"
Tail Width: 3.5"
Mold #13 (X-45-0A12-09)
Tags: small, freestyle, dance

Old School:
Width: 10"
Wheelbase: 15"
Nose Length: 4.75"
Tail Length: 6.5"
Nose Taper Point: 12"
Tail Taper Point: 16"
Shift Profile: 0"
Nose Cutout Depth: 11.5"
Nose Cutout Width: 3.25"
Nose Width: 3.5"
Tail Cutout Depth: 10.5"
Tail Cutout Width: 2.5"
Tail Width: 7.5"
Mold #11 (15-19-20-09)
Tags: big, shaped

Sean Burke:
Width: 7.25"
Wheelbase: 12"
Nose Length: 4.75"
Tail Length: 6.125"
Nose Taper Point: 6"
Tail Taper Point: 6.75"
Nose Shape: 76
Tail Shape: 79
Shift Profile: 0
Mold #25: (12-22-10A20-06)
Tags: freestyle, small

Shaped designed and tested by Sean Burke